Wolf Soft Vore
One day, A very large wolf, about 10 feet tall with black fur and some grey stripes mixed in, was walking through the woods on his island. Wondering if he could find anything to eat.
“Are you here to destroy my lawn?! Oh, you wish to see the Wolf's collection of vore stories. But be warned. You must abide by a few rules. Stories tagged “vore. The wolf patted her plump stomach and purred as her baby kept. 'Mommy,' Nelly said as she placed her head on her 'rooms' soft walls 'I'm. A Sheep in Wolf's Clothing Warning: Contains soft vore, and some violence. Wind blowing through the trees. Birds singing, and crickets chirping as the sun started to set. It was a normal forest, nothing much to it. Everything started to scatter, however, as a young man made his way through the overgrowth.
His name was ShadowFang. When ShadowFang crossed by a part of the woods he passes everyday, he smelled something rather unusual. He stopped and sniffed some more, unsure of how to approach this new creature that he had smelled. He followed the scent and saw a strange two legged creature lying unconscious in the grass. He hid in the bushes and watched it for a few minutes.When he was about to approach it, the creature began to stand up.
The creature, was a human that had gone by the name of Jake. He had stood at about 5’10, black and red hair with green eyes. He woke up slowly, having a slight headache. He had no idea that he was being watched. He stood up and took a few seconds to gain his bearings.
“Where am I?” He asked as he stared at the lush forest around him. He could smell salt water in the air so he had guessed he had to be near the ocean.He looked around some, unsure of where to head off to. “Guess i’ll head that way.” Jake said as he began to walk through the woods on a slightly covered path. ShadowFang was going to follow until his stomach growled, reminding him of his hunger. “I’ll follow him later and keep an eye on him.” ShadowFang said as he went on his way. He searched his usual hunting spots and found a deer that should keep him satisfied.
After he gulped down the deer, he went to go and find Jake. Still unsure if he was a threat.Meanwhile, Jake was roaming around the island, hoping to find someone that could help him. He didn’t find anyone, but he did find the island’s edge, dropping down into the dark ocean below.
Jake sighed and walked back into the forest. Although, he did find a rather old looking house, with a rather large door. He knocked and waited for an answer. Upon receiving none, he opened the door slowly and walked inside, seeing if anyone was home or had lived there.
The house was rather empty, except for a rather large mat on the floor by the fireplace. All the other room inside the house were empty. There was still some things inside the kitchen, but Jake wasn’t sure there was electricity. Until he flicked on the light switch.The lights, flickered a bit before coming on, it seemed they hadn’t been on for quite a while.
Then, Jake turned around rather quickly when he heard the door slam open. Shadowfang was sniffing around to see if he could find the creatures scent again and find it. He was very intrigued by it. He walks around a little and catches the scent.
He begins following it for a few minutes and then sees that the creature made it into his shelter. He was going to wait to see if it would leave until his hair stood up.
Something wasn’t right. He sniffs the air and smells that there were other creatures around.He then see’s a few wolves dragging Jake out of the house. He watched unsure of what to do until Jake called out for help. Shadowfang then dashed out of the bushes growling as he charged at the wolves. The Wolves yelped and whined as they quickly dropped Jake and ran from the much larger wolf.
Jake looked around, unsure of what to think about what just happened, the only thing he could think of right now is that he has a much bigger problem to deal with. Jake and ShadowFang both exchanged glances before ShadowFang nudged Jake to walk to the house.Jake did as he was instructed, not wanting to make the giant wolf angry. After he reached the door, he slowly pushed it open. Once the two of them were inside, ShadowFang closed the door behind them and blocked it.
“So, how did you get here?” ShadowFang asked Jake curiously. Jake stared at the wolf in shock. “You can talk?!” He exclaimed. ShadowFang nodded and waited for Jake to answer his question. “I’m not sure how i got here.
All I remember is blacking out after a party and then I woke up here.” Jake explained. ShadowFang listened to Jake’s story and smiled a bit. “Well, guess my wish did come true.” ShadowFang said. Jake raised an eyebrow and looked at him strangely. “I wished on a shooting star that I would have a friend that would come and stay with me. Well, here you are.” ShadowFang said as he nuzzled Jake.Jake backed up a bit. “I just met you.
Thanks for saving me and all but I don’t even know you.” Jake said a bit nervously “Well, my name is ShadowFang. What’s yours?” ShadowFang asked “My name is Jake. Do you know of anyway back home?” He asked. ShadowFang stood slowly and looked at Jake with a sadness in his eyes before he walked out of the living room and into his makeshift bedroom. Jake sighed a bit, he wasn’t sure what he had done but he had felt bad for it. He went to ShadowFang’s door and was about to knock, but decided he had made him feel bad enough already. Jake yawned and grabbed a blanket he had found stashed somewhere and laid by the door.ShadowFang had been awake this whole time, looking out the window that his room had.
There was something strange about this island. He had no memory of ever arriving either. Now there was another occupant that he could speak with, hoping they knew the answer of why they were both here. Sadly though, ShadowFang had gotten no answers. He sighed and stood up, slowly walked to the door and opened it slowly.
He was going to let Jake stay in his room. He looked around and then saw Jake on the floor by his room. He gave a small grin as slowly moved Jake into his room and laid down beside him, cuddling him to his warm, soft, fur.ShadowFang smiled and fell asleep next to Jake. Soon, ShadowFang began to dream. He saw Jake injured, pinned under a rock. After he managed to push the boulder off Jake’s leg, he saw that it was broke, bleeding rather badly.
ShadowFang became worried and licked the wound a bit before sliding Jake into his mouth and gulping him down. Was he really dreaming about devouring his new friend? Somewhere deep in his mind however, he knew that Jake would be safe, tucked away deep inside of him. Safe from harm, cold, and the harshness that the world truly is.Jake had been dreaming for quite a while. In his dream however, he was in a cave, alone, cold, and scared.
But then, a bright light blinded him. After the light had faded, there stood ShadowFang, covered with blood. Jake was scared of what he had done as a storm began to brew outside. “Come, let’s go home Jake.” He said. As they left, Jake looked off to the side and saw two dead bears.
Were they trying to kill him? Why was he even dreaming this.ShadowFang was the first one awake. When he woke, he saw that he had his maw open wide, ready to devour Jake. He quickly shut his mouth and shook his head. There was no doubting it however, he hungered to feel Jake’s body slide down his slimy throat and land inside his pillowy soft stomach. He stood up carefully trying his best to not wake Jake. After he left the room, his stomach growled, letting him know that he should eat.

Probably bring Jake back some food as well.When Jake awoke, he looked around, unsure of where he was at first, then remembered what had happened. But he thought that he had fallen asleep outside of ShadowFang’s door. He soon smelled something like cooking meat, so he had went into the kitchen and saw ShadowFang who was, to the best of his ability, trying to cook some meat. Jake let out a small laugh and ShadowFang turned to look at him. “Good, you’re up. Now you can cook your own food.
I’m no good at it.” ShadowFang said as he chuckled a bit. Jake took, over and finished cooking. While the meat cooled, the two of them spoke with each other and got to know one another a bit better. Jake told ShadowFang about the dream he had, not all of it of course, but about the cave and him covered in blood.ShadowFang looked at him and nodded.
“I know that cave, is there something in there?” ShadowFang asked. Jake shook his head, unsure if there was or not. “Probably not. It was only a dream.” Jake replied.
After the two of them spoke a bit more and Jake had eaten. Jake wanted ShadowFang to take him on a tour of the island. ShadowFang happily agreed to it. After the two left, Jake followed ShadowFang wherever he had went, learning more about the island.
ShadowFang stayed close, not wanting anything to hurt him. The creatures seemed to avoid the two of them, seemingly knowing the power that ShadowFang had.Jake soon stopped and looked into a rather strange cave, the hole looked as if it was made by a human being. Jake asked ShadowFang what was inside, but he didn’t get an answer. The only thing ShadowFang said was that it was best to leave it alone and not to go inside. Jake didn’t ask upon that anymore, in fear of angering the large beast.
After learning more about the island, the two spent the day relaxing and speaking with one another. When night had fell, it began to rain.
A big storm was coming. “Let’s get back home.” ShadowFang said as he tossed Jake onto his back. Jake held onto his fur as they went back home.
ShadowFang once again blocked the door.After the two of them went to ShadowFang’s room, Jake laid next to ShadowFang and pretended to fall asleep. ShadowFang soon drifted off to sleep though. After he was asleep, Jake slowly got up, and left the room. The front door was locked so he wasn’t going to be getting out that way anytime soon. He wanted to go and see what was inside that cave that ShadowFang told him to stay away from. Sure Jake felt bad about disobeying ShadowFang, but he wanted to know what was in there.He managed to open a kitchen window and crawled out of it. When he got out, the window strangely slammed shut, he began to run in fear that he had just woke up ShadowFang.
ShadowFang’s eyes shot open as he heard the window slam. He looked around and growled as he saw Jake wasn’t there. He wasn’t really mad at Jake, he only wanted what was best for him. He had been into that cave before and he did not like what he saw. Some ghastly creature tried to communicate with him. He wasn’t sure if it was a threat so he ran from the cave and hasn’t been back since.After Jake managed to find the cave he went inside and saw a bright light coming from farther in the cave, he was starting to walk to it until a sound of breaking echoed in his ears.
He looked up and leaped out of the way of a falling boulder. He didn’t leap far enough though.
The boulder came crashing down onto his leg with a loud crunching sound. Jake screamed so loud that his lungs burned.
He was in pure agony. Knowing that when that boulder landed onto his leg, it must have turned his bone to dust.ShadowFang’s ears perked up when he heard Jake scream, he ran as fast as he could and saw a few bears waiting outside, unsure if they should go in. Jake tried his hardest to remove the boulder, as he tried a ghastly glowing figure approached him. “Human.” It said in a raspy voice “I can send you back to where you had come from, and you be good as new. Is this something that you would like?” It said.
Jake stared at the figure scaredly before giving his answer. After ShadowFang managed to kill the bears, he stared at the cave as a blinding light flowed out of the entrance. Once it was gone, ShadowFang looked inside, hesitant to go inside. He closed his eyes and sighed as he walked inside. He looked ahead and saw a boulder, and underneath it, he saw Jake.
Barely moving, laying in a puddle of blood.ShadowFang rammed the boulder, pushing it off of Jake, hurting his Shoulder a little. “ShadowFang I’m sorry For coming here” Jake struggled to say. ShadowFang licked his cheek as a tear streamed down his fur. “I’m gonna get you safe again Jake.
Just stay still.” ShadowFang said as he opened his mouth. In jake’s mind, he was panicked ShadowFang was about to eat him like some meal. ShadowFang, was very gentle when he moved Jake’s leg into his maw, he didn’t bother licking them as he swallowed them gently. ShadowFang licked over Jake’s chest, enjoying his taste quite a bit. Saliva began to drip down the side of his maw, landing on the stone beneath them.
Jake couldn’t believe that ShadowFang was doing this. He weakly raised his arms and pushed against ShadowFang’s maw, trying his best to at least try to get away.ShadowFang frowned a bit and laid his head down, letting Jake’s body lay down as he swallowed him. Soon, Jake’s head was sliding down ShadowFangs throat and joined the rest of him. ShadowFang smiled happily and sighed as he stood and walked out, the rain washing some of the blood from his fur. He relaxed as he had walked back home, happy that he was able to keep Jake safe. He would be keeping a close eye on him until his leg was fully healed. Doing what ever he could to help him.
Jake had a long and relaxing rest inside of jasmine's stomach. She knew that after she took him home after the party, he would have tomorrow off from work. He was all hers and she would do what she pleased with him. Within certain boundaries of course. After she had awoken in the morning, she stroked her belly softly, rubbing over jake’s form.
‘Wonder when he will wake up.’ She thought to herself smiling.She had slowly gotten out of the bed as to not wake up Jake and headed into the kitchen. “Guess I could go ahead and make him some breakfast.” She said as she began to search through the cabinets. She took some pancake mix and other stuff and began to cook.
Wolf Software
She sniffed what she was making and she began to salivate. “Mmmm Hope Jake enjoys this.” She said as she rubbed her belly slightly.After she finished cooking breakfast, she waited a few minutes before she woke up Jake. She lightly shook her belly. “Jakey Wake up” She called to him happily.
Jake was asleep for a little longer before he began to stir. After he stretched for a little bit, jasmine proceeded to let him out. “Morning Jakey. I made you some breakfast.” She said as she hugged him.He sleepily sat at the table as Jasmine made him a plate of pancakes. While he ate, Jasmine went to his bathroom and took a quick shower. After she got out and dried herself off, Jake was in his bed. You’re not going back to bed.” She said bluntly, walking over to him.

He groaned in protest. “Come on, out of bed.” She said.Jake still didn’t move. She was slowly getting a bit angered at him. Then she thought of something. “Well, if you continue to sleep, you won’t be sleeping there for much longer” She teased.
Jake turned over onto his back and stared at her. “Why do you want to keep me awake?” He asked. She smiled to him. “Because, you have the day off of work today and you’re gonna spend some time with me.” She replied.Jake then proceeded to get out of bed.
“Fine What do you want to do first?” He asked her “well for starters, you need to get a shower. You smell like my spit.” She said giggling. After about five minutes, Jake finished showering and got dressed. “Now we can go to the park.” She said happily. Jake got his jacket on and followed Jasmine as they went to the park. “So, how’d you sleep?” she asked Jake. Jake didn’t respond at first.
“I still can’t believe you actually ate me.” He responded. Jasmine shushed him as some people walked. “Don’t say it so loudly Jake.
Besides, I asked how you slept.” She told him“I slept great actually. It was soft, warm, and relaxing.
Best sleep i’ve had in a few days actually.” He said to her. Her cheeks turned red slightly upon hearing this.
“Glad I could accomodate you then.” Said Jasmine. They walked for about twenty minutes before finding a secluded walking trail. “Oooo Let’s walk this trail Jakey.” Jasmine said as she pulled on jake’s hand.
Jake sighed, knowing he couldn’t convince her otherwise at this point.“Okay, let’s do it.” He said as he smiled towards her while beginning to walk down the trail. As they began to walk, the trail became more and more covered in plant life. “Uh Jasmine, should we be heading back?” Jake asked a bit fearful “No, not yet. Let’s just go a little bit farther. Look, there’s a bench we can sit on.” Jasmine pointed out as she walked over and sat on it.Jake soon sat down beside her. “So, may I ask why you ate me last night at the party?” Jake asked as he rubbed the back of his head.
Jasmine began to look around nervously. “Well uh I don’t know why. I was just overwhelmed with a sudden desire to” She said trailing off near the end “What were you going to say?” Jake asked, wanting her to continue.“I had a desire to. Have you tucked away inside of me” She said as she blushed a bright red. Jake blushed a bit with her. “I enjoyed it. Quite a bit.” Jasmine continued.
Jake had begun to think about it, he enjoyed it as well, no matter how much he denied it. “I liked it too.” Jake said, looking at Jasmine. A smile slowly crept across her face. Why are you smiling?” Jake asked a bit nervously.She leaned in closer and gave his cheek a little lick. “Still just as sweet as the first time” She said as she held him. Jake grew more nervous every time she licked him.
She seemed to be savoring every lick, like the first time she ate him. “Okay Jas That’s enough for now.” Jake said, trying to get her to stop. She licked him once more and then reluctantly stopped.
Unbeknownst to the two, they were being watched by something hiding in the forest.Jake slivered slightly. “Wow, got a bit cold all of a sudden. Let’s head back Jas” Said Jake as he slowly stood. Jasmine nodded in response and stood with him. Once they were back on the public trail Jasmine quickly scooped up Jake into her arms and covered him with her wings. “Jasmine?!” Jake said surprised.
She smiled down to him and continued to walk. “Jas People are staring” Jake said to her with an embarrased look on his face “oh shush. You’ll get back home faster this way.” She said to him as she kept walking.
Jake did his best to hide his embarrasment until they arrived back home.“You’re home now Jake.” Jasmine said as she set him on the couch. Jake relaxed into his couch as he turned his T.V. He didn’t notice Jasmine staring at him. “You know Jake, I might be a bit hungrry.” Said Jasmine, giving him a teasing lick on his cheek. Jake quickly stood up. “Okay, I’ll order you a pizza.
Anything specific?” He asked as he reached for the phone. Jas Thought about it for a moment. “Yea, two pepporoni pizzas.” She replied.Jake nodded and called in the order. After twenty minutes, the pizzas arrived and Jake paid for them and put them in the kitchen. “You go ahead and eat.
I’m gonna change into my lounge wear.” Said Jake, as he walked to his room. What he didn’t know, is that he was being watched. Seemingly by the same creature hiding in the forest from earlier. After Jake changed his clothes, he got a unsettling chill go up his spine.He quickly Turned to his window and walked up to it. “Guess there was nothing out there.
Felt like I was being watched.” Jake said as he walked out of his room. Upon him leaving, Two blue eyes that seemed to glow within the darkness had appeared out his window. The creature was Large, Towering three feet above the average human.
It’s fur was black as midnight, giving it the advantage in darkness.Once Jake was back in the kitchen, he noticed one of the pizza boxes was missing. “Guess Jasmine already got her pizza.” Jake said as he grabbed a few slices from the other box.
The Wolf’s Den
He walked into his living room and sat on the couch beside Jasmine. They conversated with each other while they watched T.V. After they finished eating, Jasmine went home. Even though Jake said she could stay.After she left, Jake went on to clean his apartment. Little did he know, he was being watched once again. The creature seemed to be studying him and the room.
Mentally marking all the homes exits. He would soon make his move. After Jake finished cleaning, he sat on the couch and laid down. He was unaware of the time and accidentally fell asleep on the couch.The creature, upon seeing this, silently went over to the front door and turned the knob. To his own surprise, the door opened. “Not safe for a human to leave their door unlocked” Said the creature. The creature had a somewhat deep, manly voice.
He then proceeded to walk inside and close the door behind him. He then made his way to where Jake lay and stared at him for a moment.Jake had a sudden urge to awaken. He blinked a few times as he woke, trying to clear up his vision. Once he was able to see, all he saw were two blue eyes staring at him in the darkness.
He shrieked in surprise and quickly climbed over the back of the couch, landing hard onto the floor. “Augh” Jake groaned as he started to stand back up. He was soon picked up and had his arms pinned to his side. “Calm now human. I’ve never been one to hurt others.” The creature said as it said on the couch, still not letting Jake move.Jake continued to try and get free, but to no avail.
“My name is Shadow. What’s yours human?” Shadow asked. Jake was unsure why someone who just broke into his home wanted to conversate with him.
Now can you please let me go?” Jake asked. Shadow simply chuckled. Ya see, i’ve been watching you for a good while now and i’ve thought to myself. ‘Hey, this human would make a good snack.’ So i’m going to eat you. But don’t worry, you’ll be perfectly fine.” Shadow said to Jake as he opened his mouth wide.Jake was shocked. Was he really about to become a meal for a Large wolf? His question was answered once head was lowered into shadow’s mouth and he swallowed, Plunging Jake headfirst down his light blue throat.
‘That should stop the human from calling for help’ Shadow thought to himself. Now he could thoroughly enjoy Jakes taste while slowly gulping him down.

He licked over Jakes arms and stomach slowly before swallowing again, taking in his shoulders. Jake could audibly hear Shadow’s groans of pleasure from his taste.Jake began to struggle more, only resulting in more pleasure filled noises from Shadow. Shadow swallowed once more, but with a bit more force this time than the last. Jake’s legs were the only thing that hung out of Shadow’s mouth. He was busy licking them after he took off Jake’s shoes. Then, he heard a knock at the door.
He gave an annoyed look and quickly swallowed Jake’s legs.Jake kept struggling, the stomach walls easily keeping things quiet. Shadow sighed and stood up, feeling Jake struggle. “Heh, he’ll tire himself out soon.” He said to himself.
He quietly went to the door and cracked it open enough to let his snout out. “yes?” Shadow asked in the politest way he could. The one who was at the door was Leo. “Hey there, sorry to bother you, but is Jake here?” Leo asked, a bit skeptical of Shadow “he’s a bit busy.
Wanna leave a message?” Shadow asked.Leo shook his head. “Never knew Jake had a roommate.” Leo stated, trying to sneak a peek inside “Well, he doesn’t talk about me much.
I’m just about to head off to bed. Anything else ya need?” Shadow asked, wanting to end the conversation. Leo shook his head once again. “Sorry to bother you, have a good night.” He said as he began to walk off.
Shadow closed the door and rubbed his slightly distended belly.“Huh? Did he fall asleep?” Shadow questioned to himself, no longer feeling Jake move. He shrugged his shoulders and watched a bit of TV before walking to Jake’s room and laying in his bed.
“Sleep tight little human.” Shadow teased before dozing off to sleep. He would be sure to let him out tommorow.