Public Health Journalism Programs
The Advanced Graduate Certificate in Health Communication, a collaboration between the University's Program in Public Health and School of Journalism, teaches members of the public health workforce, healthcare professionals, professionals in media (journalism, marketing, public relations and communication) and masters/doctoral candidates how to be effective health communicators, bridging the gap between medicine and public health and the world-at-large. With a focus on advanced graduate training, it is designed to provide the necessary skills to communicate health related issues to the public directly or through the press.Graduates of this 18 credit Advanced Certificate in Health Communication program will enhance their health communication knowledge, experiences, and skills and positively impact their chosen career pathway in journalism, communications, public health, medicine, or other health related profession.
Center For Health Journalism
Public Health Journalism Jobs
These are the top public health schools and programs. Each school's and program's score reflects its average rating on a scale from 1 (marginal) to 5 (outstanding), based on a survey of academics. Schools with Health Journalism Degree Programs: How to Choose. Health journalists must have an understanding of medical issues and the health care industry as well as journalism skills in order to.
Medical Journalism Programs
Graduates will be able to look for employment in academic settings, research facilities, public health organizations, or health care institutions. Graduates also may serve as health communication experts in media, consulting and public relations settings. Working professionals will gain communication skills that will enhance their skills and help them advance within their respective public health, healthcare or media professions.