Programat Cs Porcelain Furnace Manual
Used Porcelain Furnace
Programat®CS– Short InstructionsVersion 3 Valid as of Software V2.0Adjustable parameters and possible value rangesProgram structureError messagesThefurnacecontinuouslychecksallfunctionsduringoperation. Ifanerrorisdetected,therespectiveerrormessageis displayed. Incaseofanerror,theheaterswitchesoffforsafetyreasons.Index Category ErrorERRConti-Error Message TextNo.nuationpossible1EntryT T8Enter a logical value for long-term cooling L3EntryV2x Tx + 1°C10Change either the vacuum values or the holding time T5EntryIncorrect values for V1x, V2x11Enter a logical value for V1x, V2x6SystemCurrent temperature after13Excess temperature! Program aborted, furnace head opens to allow the furnace to cool down.Start Tx + 50 °C.,.8EntryT2 10 s during17A firing program in progress was interrupted for more than 10 s. The program cannot be continued!a firing program in progress10EntryT1 V1218Enter a lower value for T1 or a higher value for V1211EntryvV set, but V2 is19Pre-vacuum activated! V2 must be higher than B.missing or invalid12SystemError in the heating system20noCheck the heater fuse. If the fuse is O.K., contact your local Ivoclar Vivadent Service Center.13SystemHeating muffle very old23The heating muffle is very old.
It is recommended to replace it. After the error message has been acknowledged, a firing program may still be started.14SystemHeating muffle defective24The condition of the muffle is so poor that is has to be replaced immediately.16EntryT is B + 200 °C at the26Firing chamber too hot to start a firing program.start of a firing program17SystemFurnace head cannot27The furnace head cannot be moved to the final position. It might be blocked by an external mechanicalbe initialized.,.source! If this is not the case, please contact your local Ivoclar Vivadent Service Center!18SystemThe furnace head does not28The furnace head does not open/close correctly. The furnace head was manually moved or is obstructed.reach the target position.The furnace head must only be moved using the keys intended for this purpose!21SystemNecessary vacuum (xxxmbar) 33The vacuum cannot be established. Check the seal of the firing chamber, vacuum hose, vacuum pump,is not reached within 1 min.pump fuse.33EntryHV H (H2)110Enter a lower value for HV or a higher value for H (H2)35Entry'Share of the holding time 120Activate the vacuum during the holding time Tx or deactivate HV.with vacuum' is activated, but Vx2 does not correspond to Tx or Tx+138SystemBrief power failure during a 702A firing program in progress was interrupted by a brief power failure. The program is continued!firing program in progress45SystemVacuum drop801An unacceptable vacuum drop has occurred.46SystemThe vacuum does not802No vacuum increase could be measured.
Check the following points: Is the firing chamber tight (noincrease (self-test)contamination on the sealing surfaces)? Is the vacuum hose connected? Is the vacuum pump connected? Is the fuse F1 o.k.?75SystemATK2 calibration:1302Error during calibration. Sample may not be correctly inserted.
Try again with a new sample and make sure thePre-heating to 963 °C.sample makes ampl contact.79NoteCalibration reminder1310Some time has passed since the last calibration procedure. Calibrate the furnace soon.80NoteDehumidification reminder1312Some time has passed since the last dehumidification procedure.
- Programat CS2 is the ideal ceramic and crystallization furnace for the dental office & the # 1 CAD/CAM furnace for the dental practice! Easy operation, individual programs for manual entry, small furnace easy to find a location within the dental office.
- Ivoclar Vivadent has developed a ceramic and crystallization furnace for dentists. The Programat CS is an easy-to-operate, small furnace for the dental office. It is particularly suitable for glaze and crystallization firing of IPS e.max CAD LT blocks. The furnace features 20 programs and is very easy to use.
Atk2 Calibration
Ivoclar Programat P100 Laboratory Porcelain Furnace W/ Card Reader. Programat cs2 ivoclar programat cs ivoclar programat p90 manual.