How To Get Machine Code For Keygen
Admin and product tokens should not be included in any client-facingcode, as they offer full access to all of your account's resources.You can authenticate as one of your users or use an activation tokento perform client-side machine activation. Admin and product tokensshould only be used server-side.Once you've, you can 'activate'individual machines for your product to be used on, making it easier for youto implement e.g. A.Although Keygen doesn't use the term 'activation' much in our resourcedocumentation, machine creation accomplishes the same thing, whilemachine deletion would be 'deactivation.' Implementing a node-locked or node-limited license model consists of 3 to 4separate steps, each done in a separate API request:. Create the license - this is the step where you create the user'slicense resource, typically done server-side after you've received a payment,or after they've registered for an account.
Validate their license - this step should be initiated client-side fromwithin your software (e.g. Prompt them for a license key after starting yoursoftware), and can be performed both before and after activation. Validatingbefore activation so you can be sure the license supports another machine;validating after activation to ensure the newest activation didn'tinvalidate the license. Activate their machine - this step should be initiated from within yoursoftware, so you can have access to the underlying machine to be able to queryinformation such as MAC address, HDD ID, etc. For use in fingerprinting theuser's current machine.Activation requests can either be performed client- or server-side, and dependingon which one of those you choose, the tokens you use to make the request willbe different i.e. Product tokens vs.
So 24hrs since registering and still no idea how to get a 2.0 serial number. I called Guitar Center and of course the genius there told me that 2.0 is not free for newly purchased Maschines and I would have to purchase the software for $199 online or buy the Maschine Studio to get a free copy of 2.0.
User tokens vs. Activation tokens, forserver-side and client-side machine activations.We have examples of server-side implementations that you can use as a reference forimplementing your own license activation system. We have example servers writtenin, as wellas in. In order to perform machine activation client-side, you will need to be authenticatedas a user or usewhich belongs to the license you're activating a machine for.Embedding your admin or product tokens within your software.When activating a machine, you will at minimum need a license ID forthe license the activation is for, a fingerprint for the current device,as well as an optional user ID for client-side activation.
Othermachine attributes, such as IP or hostname, are completely optional. Do you need to validate license keys offline?We support cryptographically signed or encrypted license keys for offlinevalidation via the policy'sattribute.
Alternatively, check out our example client/server implementation ofusing Keygen, Node.js, React, TOTP, QR codes, and a mobile device.Example Activation FlowBelow is a full example of how to implement a robust machine activation flow,following the above mentioned steps. You may of course choose to implementa different flow if needed - this only serves as an example implementation.
I bought a new Maschine MKII yesterday as I am looking forward to this 2.0 update. It has been registered and validated, and I also have also installed the 2.0 software, however I'm stuck in Demo mode and it's asking me for a serial # for both the library and the maschine 2.0 software. Are people who are eligible for the 'free upgrade', just waiting on an email with their new serials in it, or what?There seems to be little information on how/when to upgrade, so any info would be appreciated.
Could someone who recently (November 2013) purchased a Maschine describe the process to get a 2.0 serial number (my installation disk is for ver 1.8)? I purchased my MK2 yesterday (Nov 17th) new from Guitar Center and can't find any activation info on the NI website. The only info I could find is on the MK2 page that says 'includes Maschine 2.0' and in the comparison page that has a green check mark in the 'Full version of MASCHINE 2.0 software' column. Do they send the serial number automatically within 48 hours of registration like they do for the Massive serial number? Any info would be great. Same problem here, nothing telling you how to do this anywhere, which is a bit.
NI are usually great at this stuff, but this seems to have got through the net.So, I raised a ticket Friday, nothing until Monday, I have been assured I will have the serial by Thursday, which isn't the end of the world, but really, best part of a week to get it? Come on.So, what you need to do is this:Register your hardware.Install the Maschine 1.8 software.Go to your products on Service Centre.Edit your current Maschine 1.8 serial, put your new one in (on the back of the disk packet)That won't activate it, it will go red.Go to ActivatePut your new code in the Maschine 1.8 on that page.That will activate it, and prompt NI to send you a serial number for Maschine 2 software.Wait up to 48 hours.I checked with NI support and they could then see that the code was correct and that that would send out the serial for Maschine 2.Hope that helps.
Got my 2.0 serial number, voucher and Massive serial from NI today. Took about 48 hours like mentioned earlier. Not sure why a major software/hardware company needs to make their customers wait 2 days to activate the product they just purchased, but it is what it is. I could have ordered something on Amazon Prime and received it quicker than the time it took NI to e-mail me a simple serial number.sixftstereo, looks like we posted at the same time. Hopefully others with these same questions/issues reference this thread to put their minds at ease.
Learn Machine Code
If they would just put a one line note on the Maschine webpage that explains that 'purchasers of Maschines with ver 1.8 in the box will have to wait 48 hours after registering their product to receive their 2.0 serial number' would save customers like myself hours of searching though forums and websites looking for a way to activate the product I just purchased.