Window Color Appearance Windows 7
Jun 16, 2009 Window Color and Appearance - Enable or Disable Change How to Allow or Prevent Changing Window Color and Appearance in Vista and Windows 7 This will show you how to allow or prevent all users from changing the current Window Color and Appearance personalization settings in Vista and Windows 7. Changing the Window Color and Appearance settings is. Learn how to customize the display settings of Windows 10 and Windows 7. Appearance of Windows by choosing text colors, text background, window border,.

Windows 7 Window Color And Appearance
I have Windows 7 Home Premium installedIn the personalization menu. I've selected the Windows 7 Basic Theme.I've clicked on Window Color and appearanceI get a dialogue box that states ' To turn on windows aero, select a windows theme. Colors and sizes selected here applyonly if you have selected the windows 7 basic theme (which I have done) or an Ease of Access Theme'I then changed the colors of the items I wanted changed (active window, inactive window, message box, etc.)I hit apply, then save.NOTHING HAPPENSHow do I make those colors stick once chosen?In Vista, the chosen colors would only work in a high Contrast theme, but it clearly states (see above) that the colors should apply if you've chosen a windows 7 basic theme.???Any suggestions?