Forbidden Nlp Patterns Pdf

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Forbidden Nlp Patterns Pdf

Introducing NLP Techniques PDF: Big Book/knjiga for dummies to Belajar/guide Neuro Linguistic Programming and increase your sales 21 days.The practitioner manual consists of exercises, examples, language patterns and other hypnosis techniques (techniken) needed to quickly boost your sales and improve your communication skills.

Firstly i would like to explain that i am not going teach any of these techniques. The reason they are dangerous is at the fundamental core of nlp or speed seduction is to leave the girl better off then you met her so you can leave her excited aroused or give her a journey. The point of forbidden patterns is to make her needy obsessive to give her a sense of loss.

This could be dangerous to her emotional or psychological well being. Now there are some that would say i dont care or thats not my concern at the end of the day it could screw her up and it would be your fault so take some responsibility.

The reason i wrote this is because i ve heard guys ask about forbidden patterns on other forums and i ve asked why they want to learn them and the response that i got was because 'well i want to experiment with them' or 'i dont care what i do to her as long as i get what i want'the point is that using these patterns are like playing russian roulette and more importantly you could end up doing her some damage maybe not physically but psychological or emotional.if you dont care about doing the girl damage or arent worried about the consequences i would say nlp and pua isnt for you. Instead of going all 'hush hush' regarding the Forbidden Games and avoid talking about them, we should rather emphasize the issues that are being dealt with when delving into that dark part of the seduction world. As the above posters have alluded to, the mere title 'Forbidden Games' and the powerful nature of the patterns that consist, will more than entice the desperate newbie.

The moment I read that there were Forbidden techniques, guess what happened, it peaked my interest and I wanted to learn about it. Guess what happened once I understood the essence of the patterns, I rejoiced as I realised that I may have just fallen upon a gold mine. It was only much after that I realised that there were serious problems that accompanied its usage. Anyone who is interested in seduction will at one point or another fall upon the October Man Sequence, and other methods of such nature.

Instead of trying to avoid discussing them, we should rather try to drum down the problems they create to any daring wannabe PUA. Forbidden patterns are just another marketing scheme.

Anybody who want should be aloud see them, they'll learn a lesson in what doesn't work.Forbidden Patterns work, but most people don't know how to work them, and think of them as some sort of magic encantation, which is how they're marketed, but that's not the case. And, like God saying to Adam and Eve don't eat the fruit from the tree, the moderators are just making the idea more interesting.We all know about getting a foot in the door, this scientifically proven psychological technique, of getting people to do you small favors, which will eventually lead them to doing bigger favors. Ask a girl to move from the bar to the booth, she follows along, ask her to wait and hold something for you while you run to the bathroom, or to say hello to someone, you come back, and she's still there, and now more loyal to you than ever, ask if she wants to get up and go outside for some fresh air, she follows, lean forward and kiss her and suggest she come home with you. That is how the foot in the door technique works, quickly and effectively. But, few guys can seem to do it well, and yet, it's just a series of small yeses until you ask for the bigger yes. This is so powerful a technique, it's what cult leaders do to get followers, it's what Paul Bernardo the serial killer did to get Karla to help him. That's not a forbidden pattern, it's not NLP at all.All NLP does is use conditioning, and language patterns to trigger in people emotional responses, that's what those forbidden patterns do, but for someone to be successful with them, it would both need a callousness to the other person, and a high skill set to control her emotions.

Most people would just flame out and, yes come to the conclusion that their bull. And that's what's so good about them. Forbidden Patterns work, but most people don't know how to work them, and think of them as some sort of magic encantation, which is how they're marketed, but that's not the case. And, like God saying to Adam and Eve don't eat the fruit from the tree, the moderators are just making the idea more interesting.We all know about getting a foot in the door, this scientifically proven psychological technique, of getting people to do you small favors, which will eventually lead them to doing bigger favors.

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Ask a girl to move from the bar to the booth, she follows along, ask her to wait and hold something for you while you run to the bathroom, or to say hello to someone, you come back, and she's still there, and now more loyal to you than ever, ask if she wants to get up and go outside for some fresh air, she follows, lean forward and kiss her and suggest she come home with you. That is how the foot in the door technique works, quickly and effectively. But, few guys can seem to do it well, and yet, it's just a series of small yeses until you ask for the bigger yes. This is so powerful a technique, it's what cult leaders do to get followers, it's what Paul Bernardo the serial killer did to get Karla to help him. That's not a forbidden pattern, it's not NLP at all.All NLP does is use conditioning, and language patterns to trigger in people emotional responses, that's what those forbidden patterns do, but for someone to be successful with them, it would both need a callousness to the other person, and a high skill set to control her emotions.

Forbidden Nlp Patterns Pdf

Most people would just flame out and, yes come to the conclusion that their bull. And that's what's so good about them.Maybe when I said the 'doesn't work', I should have said they are 'ineffective'.I don't know why you have that big paragraph on compliance. I'm aware of it's effect, but it's not really that relevant here. It's involved in using the Octoberman but the two aren't synonymous.First of all, I'm a big fan of conversational hypnosis, and hypnosis in general. For this reason, it has to be kept conversational, in the moment, and unscripted. Effective hypnosis to me is is elegant hypnosis, so using patterns that aren't relevant to the moment is boring.Second, why bother?

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The amount of work required to get a girl invested enough to pull off the Octoberman is more than it takes to fuck her. It's like circumnavigating the globe to get to your destination.In reality, if you can't get a girl to wanna hang out with you and fuck you, you're not gonna have much luck with any forbidden patterns. Compliance, like the Forbidden Patterns, are incredibly effective, if done correctly. When I read the paragraph I wrote, I myself got lost in it, and it was a screw up in writing it. I realized it after I posted it. The way it sounded in my head didn't come out on paper.What I meant to say is simply that the forbidded patterns are real, but the major disclaimer should read, 'If You're Not Good At It, You Will Look Like A Complete and Utter Moron.' Patterns like the Door or the Hopsital (which I'm not writing about), are used by psychologically abusive spouses and boyfriends all the time, without them ever knowing what they're doing or what it's called.But yeah, you hit the nail on the head Pinocchio, there are so many easier ways to get women, why bother?