Borderlands 2 Level 50 Saves Ps3 Cheats
Welcome To Borderlands 2!The place to discuss and post anything related to Borderlands 2, Still, with 96.5% More Wub Wub! This Subreddit supports: RES Night ModeRules.Posts must be related to Borderlands 2.Be nice, keep it civil and follow the.Do not discuss or encourage piracy.Do not beg for loot or boosting.Do not use a misleading titleSearch posts by flair Important Links & Guides.Modding Unofficial Community Patch.Other Borderlands Sub-Reddits- Gearbox can count to 3.- Everything Borderlands.- Slam the Moon!- Tales from the Borderlands- Charity for Vault Hunters- Borderlands Art!- Find Co-op Partners! OK so this has been frustrating me lately. Especially at mid-high lvls (lvl 50+)People will join my game with a modded save or something so they have all their tiers full. Like axton having double nuclear twin-gunned turrets. (just one example)And then they come into my game, 1shotting everything they shoot, and then they get pissy at me when I tell them to turn off their mods.It seems to happen with the tier trees expessially, but with guns too (harder to tell)It would just solve so many problems if 2k could put in some sort of anti-cheat software.But anyway.
Am I getting all worked up over nothing? Or should people have more respect when they join others games?. I've messed around with single player characters, using Cheat Engine to max out all skill trees and gibbed for weapons (which, chances are, they used Cheat Engine to max out their character, and then they don't have 'cheats on' anymore, because you just change it and save it). Honestly, I get bored with those characters and end up deleting them.
Level 50 For All Ok, I see a lot of people asking for Power Leveling, and people not into the game enough to play through with all characters to hit that 50. Here I have started the game (with preorder bonus Items), Completed the very first mission ONLY, and Leveled them to 50. Sep 18, 2012 To build a high Badass Rank, and gain all the perks associated with it, create a pair of new characters in co-op mode and have player 1 beat player 2 in 50 duels. This gives 166 Badass Ranks. Save and quit, then start another new game, creating another new character for player 1 (don't bother messing with player 2's character). IMG These saves have unlimited money, all skill points, and lvl 50. GamesBorderlands 2WillowGameSaveData. PS4/PS3 Borderlands 2 saves. For eridium just use the cheat engine and this script Click here to view.
Now, I am working on making a Cunning B0re Zer0, legitimately, and it is WAY more fun than having the perfect gear and all skills with no effort.It is annoying that people multi player with those characters, because they are not just ruining their experience, they are ruining yours and others as well. Hope you find some good (non-broken) people to play with!. See, this sort of thing is why I think save edit modding can be a slippery slope, because I found that out with Borderlands 1. I only clone or edit weapons.
Sometimes I altered the amount of currency they had.I did more extensive mods, though, to the Mule Characters I made for BL2. Outfitted with fleet filled out to three, plus a Breakneck Banshee Class Mod and a Rough Rider shield, they can run from the station in Sanctuary to the Secret Stash much faster than normal. But that and cloning and/or altering weapons just makes up for the insane grind design that gets shoved down our throats.I just like collecting all the rare items and Weapons.Gotta catch 'em all!. Honestly, it's why I tend to host as opposed to join. I will send people a message if it's getting excessive and ask them to remove or scale down their mods so everyone can enjoy.
If they don't, I just kick them.I think the reasoning is that some people just want to blast through everything and, I don't know, feel superior? These are people who get really bent out of shape when they die, because money is SUCH a tough thing to find, right?When I find solid players, I do a 'player rating' thingy so I have a higher chance in matchmaker. Pitchford said (paraphrased)'We could have taken out the ability to mod the game files, but the game isn't connected to any economy, and players thoroughly enjoyed that aspect in BL1 so we decided that we'd allow and let it occur.' My advice: don't play an open session, change your settings to only allow groups from your friends fact, don't feel the need to accept the people that mod if you so desire.
Man a SDK would have been wonderful! Would have brought the game a whole new (virtual) world!but ye as I said I have nothing against modders, rather its just the game itself forces you to jump from server to server to find suitable people to play with.As I'm still just beginning the game, my friends list is relatively small, and not always on. Only way is to host more games and hopefully find more cool chillin'sI think it all just comes right back to having some server options, maybe a box for a description. Anything really would help.even with regular gameplay that would help as you could be able to see what ppl are doing from lobby, ex: farming, missioning, doing raid boss's etc.Ahh just hopefully if 2k desides to make a BL3 they will think about adding some more functionality to the multiplayer experience.
I think the best solution is how they currently handle Mac/PC compatibility.Mac's get(got) patches a few weeks after the PC patch released, due to needing to be coded by a third party. During the time where both game's are at different versions, people cannot play with eachother.if they did similar to torchlight2 (if someone has modified files/added mods, thier game is condsidered a different version) and not allow people with different versions to play together.make it a tick-box, 'add modified module' 'accept modified party players' kind of thing. There is no way to prevent this. 2K could spend time trying to fix it and in fact at one point they implemented a crypt key on the saves only to have it hacked within the week.Before we use to have punk buster which was well intended but BADLY coded to stop this sort of thing.Not only are there save editors but you also have cheat engine which allows any kind of manipulation and does so by snooping into the RAM and changing values. I use it personally but just to change game physics like speed the game up, Gravity, Etc.Again 2K could try to implement something and have it defeated shortly after and risk slowing the game down.I feel you though, Mainly why I mostly play with friends. As I said with guns its harder to tell.

Because I have not seen nearly all of em, but I kno for a fact SOMETHING is up when a lvl 25 joins a lvl 45 game and can kill things faster then the lvl 45' for telling with skill trees, its pretty obvious with ppl like axton and gaige. Its impossible to have all 3 trees full. That would take what. An impossible 75 AP? In a game where your only given 67 at max lvl.And when axton throws down 2 nuclear turrets taht have 2 guns every turret. Well taht one is the most obvious.
Borderlands 2 Level 50 Game Save
Especially when the lvl of the guy is less then 50. Same with gaige. Ya just look at the robot and its quite obvious, as it has visual additions.And whats even worse is when I call them out on it and they deny it for 5 mins, then they finally come out clean, but only after I explain to them how easy it is to tell.I do realize anyone more then 10 lvl's higher then the game will obliterate everything, thus I try to eliminate that issue by asking the high lvl dudes to come back with a lower lvl char.As for lvls, I generally won't let anyone more then 5-10 lvls higher then myself join my game. Unless its UVHM, then im a bit more flexible as the game will scale to the highest person, and I'm all for the challenge of fighting lvl 65's at lvl 50.